Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Silent Rage

Silent Rage would be the title of the movie for my best friend Bryen Leslie Harris.
and what would mine be? you may ask.
we have
A. Reflections: A Dive Into Ginger Homosexuality
B. Annie II - Annie Harder

I just simply can't wait to put my whole life tale on papel. It will be of most great satisfaction.

SO. I've been so poor. but I've always been poor, but this time, I'm the actual one who has no money. I've been working since I was sixteen. Fun jobs, money to spend- but I ended up quitting the local Dairy Queen to early. I just couldn't handle dealing with that fast food joint after having 2 weeks of intense management training. I felt too superior, and I know I shouldn't, but I was like- How can you take this place seriously, it's a fucking DQ? For some people this is their only means of income in any way, so praise Ra for it, but it is not in any way shape or form fit for Raymond. So I just called in about an hour early before my shift and quit. Now, I don't have any paychecks to look forward too, or work to occupy the dead time that is my day. Hmph.

Buuuuut I am working at Fuddrucker's. Like, actually working. I was helping with construction which was way out of my norm, but I put forth my best effort- fuck physical labor tho- and ever since then I have been training the cashiers on the P. O. S. It feels nice to train people and to be a shift leader, because I know I can do it. I need the hours, I need the monthly paycheck- I need the power. Haha. Riiiiiiiiiight.

I have such goals. & I got my dear friend Bryen a job! In case you don't know Bryen is a complete lazy bum who hasn't ever never had a job in his whole (almost) 21 years of life- but with my sauvy skills and my gay touch I got him hired at Fuddies. Yay! I get to work with my best friend. So does that mean something bad gets to happen??? Karma, you whore, decide quickly because I have goals, o boy does this boy have dreams.

I wanna move to San Fransisco (duh fag). I wanna write novels. I wanna write my stand-up. I wanna make people laugh. I wanna be financially ok. I wanna have a man. I wanna cigarette. I want. I want. I want. I need, I need, I need. . . Holy Jesus so many things! I am in no way content with my life, the horrid tale that is my daily existence. I want a complete 180 degree turnaround, keep all the good parts, shave off all those devil hairs, and be complacent.

I called dear my friend Sarah today. No answer. I called my dear friend Amanda today- I had the best conversation, not only was I high as fuck, but I hadn't had this deep of a connection with someone in a long time. Jeepers Creepers do I miss her. The talk was therapeutic. I enjoyed it immensely.

I can ramble on some more, but that weed o'er there looks mighty tastey- and btw, I wanna cigarette.

1. Hey- Pixies
2. The Man Who Sold the World- Bowie
3. Martha My Dear- The Beatles
4. Time to Pretend- MGMT
5. Purple Bottle- Animal Collective
6. Guess Whose Back?- Eminem
7. Karma's Payment- Modest Mouse
listen and enjoy

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