Monday, April 19, 2010

So I haven't wrote anything in awhile.

I'm living here in Hermiston. Again. Working at DQ. Again.
buuuuut. I got hired at Fuddrucker's so I should be having an amazing job, come June of course.

Chemically. I feel very balanced. Very numb, very less motivated, but must I say- a better person. I'm 21 now. I just fucking hate alchohol. I didn't do anything for the grand day- and I have yet to succumb to the drunken dance of the devil. Humph. I'm just stuck. Stuck in time, in place. Working. All the time. No money to show for it. All I do is spend my money on weed. But I'm glad. Fuck it. Fuck being sad. and stressed. I'm so tired of living, it's ridiculous. But onward I must trek- smoking gravities as I go, because that my friends, is the only way.

I'm watching Roseanne. My god. That show was my life. IS my childhood in episodic form. I love it. Season 9 does not exist, but by golly, my favorite for always.

I'll try to post more. but it doesn't really matter. It just makes me feel better.

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